One of my long term strength goals is to do a one-arm chin up. I have been working on this for about 11/2 years on and off. It has taken close to 1 year to be able to complete a 1 arm come down. The methods i have been using are: weighted chins 3-5sets of 3-5 sets. Body weight chins random sets when ever i can between 5 and 10 reps. towel chins, and my favourite tyre tube assisted chins. Yesterday i had a personal best. 1-arm tyre tube assisted using only 2 fingers on the tube for assistance.
What am saying is be patient keep practicing stick to your goals no matter how long it might take... I WILL acheive a 1-arm chin just need more strength practice.
Train hard
This is a one-arm chinup http://www.freewebs.com/ironguru/onearmpull.mpeg
From Ordinary to Extraordinary there are no Excuses....