Hi All,
Last night when my Comrade Stewart arrived for training, he was feeling little fatigued. The last few weeks have been tough, we have picking up the training volume and his body and muscles were feeling tired.
I thought that this would a good time for a GTG session.
BW Pistols, BW Pullups, One-arm Kettlebell Snatches.
The exercise were performed in a ladder format circuit, the breaks were equal to the time to complete the reps--> as follows:
P1,2,3 PU1,2,3 SN1,2,3 (24kg KBell explosive reps)
P1,2,3 PU1,2,3 SN1,2,3 (24kg)
P1,2,3 PU1,2,3 SN1,2 (32kg)
P1,2,3,4 PU1,2,3 SN1,2,3 (24kg)
Finished with a couple of easy sets of Turkish get-ups 3setx2reps 16kg
The last set with no assistance from the free hand.
At the end of the session we both felt good, like we had worked out but not burnt out.
For an article on GTG from dragondoor.com click link below
Grease the Groove for Strength