Sunday: CompleteStrength Day
Hi Comrades,
Sunday was another good day of strength practice. I titled this post Structured Training without Structure because this days session had followed this guideline. This is how it worked. Sunday strength days for the guys and I are all about challenging ourselves and trying new things and to get stronger in the process.
So i thought about what i might like to achieve and work with for this day.
This past week I have been doing random two-arm swings with the 40kg. So I thought..... 'I want to do some work with the 40, do some H2H (hand 2 hand) drills and some double drills.' So that was my structure or idea of what i wanted to get out the afternoon. This is how it turned out and I was very happy will the outcome.
Sunday afternoon 3.20pm
The guys arrive ready for some action.
My training: Joint Mobility limber-up
12kg Kettlebell open palm cleans, flips, swings, open palm snatches.
40kg 2-arm swings 1setx 10 reps
40kg 2-arm high pulls 1 setx 8 reps
Rested and help out some of the other guys still learning the drills.
1-arm side press 32kg - 2 reps each side
Alternating cleans 2x32kg (2-count) got out 6reps each side
1-arm snatch and press 2sets x 6 each side 24kg Kbell
swings 2-arm 24kg ??about 10-20reps
40kg Kettlebell 2-hand flip and catch 4 flip&catch (a personal best)
40kg 1-arm snatches 2 per side
40kg Kettlebell 2-hand flip and catch (forward flip)
chins attempted 40kg only got half way :(
body weight chin ladders.
A video clip of me H2H kettlebell drills with a 16kg KBell
John Brookfield-Juggling a 40kg Kbell This link requires QuickTime plugin.
From Ordinary to Extraordinary there are no Excuses....