Weekend Warriors


On Saturday it was my son's 2nd birthday party. When things were wrapping up the bells came out for a little bit of hand-2-hand drills. The 12kg was first on the list, trying to pull off a double forward flip. Not as easy as we thought it would be. A single flip, no worries but the double. The bell would be spinning so quick that it was easy to miss judge the spinning handle. So after several attempts with only a few success' we called it quits.


Had a good turn out for our Sunday of Strength, a newcomer and a few regulars. There was not set format for the day, just to help the newer guys perfect there technique and learn something new. I did many 2-arm swings with various sized bells.
Some Turkish get-ups
Alternate cleans with 2x24's (1 count)
Double snatches w/ 2x16's
And finished with 40kg 2-arm kettlebell flips.
These felt much easier than last week.
No cigar trying in with 1-arm yet.. soon. Oh and a few pullup ladders of various grips.
Congrates to Rohan who punched out a few Muscles-Ups for the first time!