Workout Log from 2years ago 15-5-2004

I found some of my old workout logs from'04
This is what I was doing in '04
From: Comrade Azza
Subject: Fitness
Date/Time 2004-05-15 04:56:33


Hi Comrades,
the 2pood is becoming very workable now!! When i first got it, all it wanted to do was fly out of my hands.

Tuesday 13th May 2004
GTG Pull-ups random throughout day
40kg pull-up both grips, 32kg, 24kg all singles

Evening workout: circuit 1min each exercise, 1min rest
2 arm swing 16kg
Turkish getups 24kg
1 arm swings 24kg
Around the body/leg pass
Bottoms-up press 24kg
Dead snatches 24kg
Deck squats

Wednesday 12th- Friday 14th May 2004
GTG, 32kg cleans; push presses and snatches, 4-5single of each, each day.

Saturday 15th May 2004
Weighted pull-ups 24kg 3x3 alts with 32kg push press singles.
32kg swings 2 arms 3x5
32kg cleans 5x2r
24kg dead snatches 5x2

Feeling Strong
Power to you All

From Ordinary to Extraordinary there are no Excuses....